
hurry up!!!


”Hurry up ! ,Hurry up !   Hurry up!!!!! “ と3回、2年生の男の子がOlga と、大人のメンバーの方々に、大きな声で、命令口調(笑)で、言ったのです。

Olga と大人メンバーの方々は、びっくりして、笑顔で、”Oh !!!!!! Very sorry !!!!!” と、全員一斉に立ち上がったのでした。


After one Saturday off for this month, I’m looking forward to Saturday classes again.

First class is the Adult class and starts at 9:40 to 10:30, then the next class is the elementary first graders from 10:40 and they use the same classroom as the first class. As expected, pupils come on time and usually two kids would always knock on the door and  would loudly say: “hurry up!” to us and the class would be surprised to hear that “command” from them – so young and small yet bossy in their cute little way.

After a year of learning the International Language, kids had earned confidence in communicating not only in their own language but in English as well.

Tomorrow, I should dismiss the first class on time or else….




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